Antimalarial preference and period prevalence of malaria among students in a University in South-Western, Nigeria
Parasitology and Public Health Unit, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Lagos State, University Nigeria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2022, 05(01), 016–025.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2022.5.1.0045
Publication history:
Received on 20 April 2022; revised on 01 June 2022; accepted on 03 June 2022
Malaria is a disease that contributes to low academic performance among students. We investigated the preferred antimalarial drugs and the period prevalence of malaria at exam periods in a University. Structured questionnaires were administered to 120 students who were randomly selected of which 73% were aged 16-25 years. 84% do not use preventive drugs but Fansidar was mostly preferred among 16%. Respondents from Faculties of Science and Social Sciences opted for non-drug preventive measures. The most preferred antimalarial was Amatem (26%) while the least preferred was P-alaxin (0.83%) but 27% preferred injections. 69% did not practice self-medication but 80% used local herbs. The health center records showed that 80% of 146 students tested positive to malaria at exam periods. The prevalence of malaria was higher during exams (83%) than before exams (75 %). Malaria parasitaemia was also higher during exams (47%) than before exams (27%; p<0.05). Female students were more infected than male students before exams (23: 20, p> 0.05) and during exams (41: 33, p< 0.05). Female students had more malaria parasitaemia (26%) than the males before and during exams (26%; 21%, p> 0.05). Therefore, female students should always wear protective clothing and students should use safe and effective mosquito repellants while reading in classes at exam periods in order to avoid mosquito’s bites. Early reporting of malaria and health education on appropriate use of malaria drugs amongst students is recommended. Accessible health services and affordable Artemisinin- based combination therapies should be made available to students especially at exam periods.
Antimalarials; Artemisinin-based-combination-therapies; Drugs; Malaria; Low- academic performance; Students
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