Chronopharmacology in cancer treatment: Optimizing drug timing for improved efficacy and reduced toxicity
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Namakkal, 637205, Tamil Nadu, India.
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2024, 10(02), 001–012.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2024.10.2.0051
Publication history:
Received on 03 November 2023; revised on 03 January 2024; accepted on 06 January 2024
Cancer treatment has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, but the accompanying side effects often diminish the patient's quality of life. To address this, the field of chronopharmacology has emerged, aiming to optimize cancer treatment by aligning it with the patient's circadian rhythms. This article explores the intricate relationship between the circadian clock and cancer susceptibility, the role of clock genes in tumor suppression, and the potential benefits of chronopharmacological approaches in chemotherapy and targeted therapies. Moreover, it discusses how chronobiological insights can be applied to palliative care and hormonal therapies, and how a patient-centered approach can tailor treatments to individual circadian rhythms. The regulatory and ethical considerations surrounding chronopharmacology are also examined. Ultimately, chronopharmacology offers the promise of more personalized and effective cancer treatments, enhancing patient well-being and outcomes in the battle against cancer.
Chronopharmacology; Circadian rhythms; Cancer treatment; Molecular targets; Patient-centered care
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