Implant placement in anterior region and its esthetic consideration, a review of literature

Masoud Hatami 1, Farzaneh Delpisheh 2, * and Niyosha Ariana 3

1 Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti Medical University, Tehran, Iran.
2 School of Dentistry, Ege University of Medical Sciences, Izmir, Turkey.
3 Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan Branch), Isfahan, Iran.
Review Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2023, 07(02), 023–026.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2023.7.2.0017
Publication history: 
Received on 27 January 2023; revised on 10 March 2023; accepted on 12 March 2023
Esthetics denotes "natural charm", an attribute that comes naturally. It can also be determined as a scientific term related to beauty that is used in nature and art. Imparting an implant restoration for esthetic outcomes in the anterior zone has been widely used. During the process of implant restoration, different tooth and patient-associated factors should be taken into account. This review aimed to provide a brief summary of all the esthetic considerations significant for the restoration of a dental implant.
Implant; Smile design; Complication; Periodontium
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