The influence of patient-reported outcome measures on healthcare delivery: A review of methodologies and applications
1 Pediatric Clinic, William. D Kelley School Dental Clinic, Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University, US.
2 Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
3 Houston Community College, Houston Texas.
Review Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2024, 10(02), 013–021.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2024.10.2.0014
Publication history:
Received on 06 February 2024; revised on 12 March 2024; accepted on 15 March 2024
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) have emerged as integral tools in assessing healthcare outcomes from the patient's perspective. This comprehensive review explores the methodologies employed in the development, administration, and validation of PROMs, shedding light on their applications and influence on healthcare delivery. It examines the various modes of PROMs administration, including the burgeoning role of technology through electronic platforms and mobile applications. Challenges related to patient adherence, engagement, and disparities in technological access are discussed, offering insights into potential barriers. It meticulously outlines the multifaceted applications of PROMs in healthcare. From influencing clinical decision-making and quality of care assessments to fostering patient-centered care and contributing to health policy initiatives, PROMs have permeated diverse aspects of healthcare delivery. The review also explores the role of PROMs in shaping research endeavors, serving as essential components in health policy initiatives and advancing the understanding of patient outcomes and experiences. While emphasizing the positive impact of PROMs, the paper addresses challenges and considerations associated with their use, including standardization issues, interpretation challenges, and technology-related barriers. The future directions and opportunities section examines potential advancements in personalized medicine, the integration of technology, and the empowerment of patients through increased involvement in their healthcare journey. Ethical considerations surrounding privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent in PROMs implementation are also scrutinized. This review consolidates current knowledge on PROMs methodologies and applications, offering a comprehensive understanding of their influence on healthcare delivery. The paper emphasizes the need for ongoing research, standardization efforts, and the ethical use of PROMs as they continue to shape a patient-centric and personalized approach to healthcare.
Patient; Healthcare delivery; Applications; PROMs; Integral tools
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