The nexus of minds unveiling the significance of AI in mental health and viable remedie
1 Manager, IT Application, Trinity Information Services, Trinity Health, Livonia, Michigan, USA.
2 Vice President, Information Technology, Deenabandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Sonepat, India.
Review Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2024, 11(01), 031–048.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2024.11.1.0023
Publication history:
Received on 22 March 2024; revised on 28 April 2024; accepted on 30 April 2024
The world is evolving at a cutthroat rate, and the integration of mental well-being and technology can yield promising results. For this reason, I have created The Nexus of Minds, which focuses on exploring the role of AI in changing the dynamics and thought processes of how we address and approach mental health issues. I am focusing on the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence as a force for accessible, personalized, and effective mental healthcare.
Mental healthcare has a huge spectrum, and I am exploring the multifaceted applications of AI, which have the potential to change the landscape. Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Natural Language Processing have shown immense advancements, which is empowering AI to redefine how mental health issues are diagnosed and treated.
Ranging from earlier intervention through continuous monitoring to all-time support, this book focuses on different ways in which AI solutions are improving the quality of mental healthcare and clinical results. It focuses on how AI is empowering people on their mental health journey.
In addition to the technological innovation, I will navigate through the ethical considerations that need to be focused on, including but not limited to privacy, algorithmic bias, data privacy and security, and the role of human connection and empathy in mental healthcare. By understanding these essentials, I am offering insights into the responsible, ethical, and balanced integration of AI into mental health support.
Moreover, this book focuses on apps and chatbots that are already providing help to people struggling with mental health illnesses and how they are benefiting from AI-centric mental health services. As a result, the readers will be able to gain an understanding of how AI will improve the quality of mental healthcare and destigmatize mental health conditions.
With "The Nexus of Minds," I envision a future where AI won't be merely a tool but an absolute force in mental healthcare by breaking down the stigma and societal barriers to give hope to struggling people. This book will become a guiding beacon, providing information about the seamless coexistence of ethical and compassionate mental healthcare and tech advancement.
I have taken an interdisciplinary approach, making it a promising resource for healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, and common people who want to see a bright future in the mental health industry.
Mental Health; AI in behavior health; Transformative journey of AI in mental health; AI solutions for mental health;
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