NOx, NP eliminations of developed countries induced global warming. Let stop NOx, NP elimination and let stop global warming and let produce much food and let make rich countries
Department of Resource Chemistry, Ehime University, Matsu Yama, Ehime prefecture, Japan.
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2023, 09(02), 057–066.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2023.9.2.0060
Publication history:
Received on 18 October 2023; revised on 23 November 2023; accepted on 26 November 2023
Global warming is caused by the NOx and NP elimination by developed countries,
Global warming will stop if developed countries stop the elimination of NOx and NP. CO2 assimilation will be activated and Global warming will stop.
Developed countries started NOx elimination by the reaction with ammonia at around 1980 ,
4NO + 4 NH3 + O2 ———> 4N2+ 6H20
This reaction eliminate NOx fertilizer and stop the CO2 assimilation and promote global warming]
Developed cauntries are eliminating N and P in waste water,,
These NOx and N,P elimination caused the lack of N,P and decrease CO2 assimilation and decrease of CO2 fix and decrease of food production can decrease heat absorption. .. Global warming will stop if developed countries stop the elimination of NOx and NP. CO2 assimilation is activated and global warming will stop
NOx; CO2 assimilation; NOx elimination by ammonia; Carbon neutral; Stop of global warming; GWPR
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