A review on ion mobility mass spectrometry

R Swetha Sri 1, *, B Aishwarya 1, D Vaishnavi 2 and M Sumakanth 1

1 Department of pharmaceutical analysis, RBVRR women’s college of pharmacy, Hyderabad, Telangana.
2 Department of pharmaceutical analysis, Malla Reddy College of pharmacy, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Review Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2022, 06(02), 013-023.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2022.6.2.0067
Publication history: 
Received on 15 August 2022; revised on 02 October 2022; accepted on 05 October 2022
Mass Spectrometry can be coupled with ion mobility to get results that cannot be obtained by alone mass spectrometry. This coupled instrument can be used for knowing the separation of isomers, isobars, and conformers, the reduction of chemical noise, and the measurement of ion size. It divides ions into families of ions as well as ions with the same charge and similar structural properties. The four ion mobility separation techniques currently applied to mass spectrometry are described in this article. Low-resolution mobility separation is demonstrated by AIMS. Offering continuous ion monitorings are DMS and FAIMS. TWIMS is a novel IMS technique that has good sensitivity and is well integrated into a commercial mass spectrometer while having modest resolving power. In this review it includes that Many researches has used this technique has it gives results in millisecond and its low cost operation.it has major drawback of contamination of compounds due to atmospheric pressure, complex spectra and interferences aredue to wide spread of ionization.it is not suitable for Non-volatile compound and the repoducubility is1-2%.
Ion mobility –mass spectrometry; DTIMS; TMS; AIMS; DMS; TWIMS
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