Synthetic food color estimation in local market sweets, vegetables, chocolates by UV visible spectrophotometry

K Bhavya sri *, Shaheen Banu, M Nandini and M Sumakanth

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, RBVRR women’s college of pharmacy, Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027, India.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 2022, 06(02), 001–008.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjbp.2022.6.2.0061
Publication history: 
Received on 31July 2022; revised on 03 September 2022; accepted on 05 September 2022
Colors are added to food to enhance its flavor and texture. They are important food additives as they are concerned with the taste and perception of food.
According to FSSAI, food colors should be added within permissible limits. Hence, various analytical techniques should identify, isolate, and quantify it. UV- Visible spectrophotometer is a simple and accurate method to determine the colors in food products and compare the results by plotting a calibration curve obtained by the different concentrations of standard food colors.
Food additives; Calibration curve; UV- Visible spectrophotometer; Synthetic colours; Natural colours; Quantification.
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